Monday, August 23, 2010

The Journey Continues


As is normally the case and my excuse, events and basically life itself keeps me away from regularly updating my blog. This years excuse is Iraq... What's that you say? All combat troops have left Iraq? They said so on the news? Did they? Funny, I am relatively positive I am sitting in Basra, Iraq at this very moment, writing this blog. (and getting rocketed on a regular basis I might add)

In any event, things are hoppin and poppin and I stay pretty busy. I am going to try to make it a point to spend some time updating and posting. Don't count on much if anything being about Iraq. Us free Americans get into far too much trouble these days about posting things about the war, the military and our free speech protected opinions.

Dont worry, I dont have long till I retire, and I will have lots to say then!!