Friday, November 05, 2010

Items for Congress to Consider Immediately

With sweeping GOP victories in the House, and across the country’s gubernatorial races, here are some ideas that congress should be taking a hard look at and vested interest in:

Term Limits. Why not limit them to a total of 8 years in either the House or Senate? This will clean house at least every 8 years and possibly every 4 years, preventing either party from building these entrenched political machines who's only goal appears to be getting re-elected, and ensuring their party's candidate gets in the White House. Force them to become focused on the business of the people.

Repeal Obama care! 25 percent of total spending by 2025? Seriously? The people didn’t want it to begin with, and it was passed via a procedural technicality called reconciliation. The members that “Deemed it passed”, (which is what happens with reconciliation) didn’t even read the bill. (Not to mention provided themselves with the ability to “opt out” of the program all together.

No lifetime pensions for any members of the Executive Branch except the president and vice president. (The rest of us Active Duty working stiffs and other Government employees have to serve for 20 years to qualify for 50% and 30 years for 100%) Why should these people receive a lifetime pension for service less than 20 years?

Congressman and Senators make more money then most Americans during their service, this is not unreasonable. The founders intent was that the House and Senate come from the people and return to the people. Presently they arrive in office, dig in and become wealthy while determining what the people can and can't do with their money and healthcare, while writing into law exemptions for themselves. No more congressional "opting out" of laws they seek to impose on the people.

Congressional Pay raises should be voted for BY THE PEOPLE, not by the members. That seems like a very clear conflict of interest to me.

No more pork added to bills. Bills must be introduced and passed individually, for the reason they were created. Bills should not be a place to hide projects that would otherwise NOT be funded. No more passing bills without them being read. If this means putting a limit on the complexity, or the amount of pages allowed in a bill so be it. Keep it simple stupid. We don’t need to pass laws that read like the tax code.

Defund and decommission all underperforming, cost overrunning useless government programs. Make congress identify and report the numbers to the people. Allow the people to vote on the creation of any new departments or offices.

No more Czars, congressional and public oversight or no job.

Expand drilling, and other forms of acquiring natural resources, nuclear energy programs, and coal fired plants while concurrently tightening up on safety and environmental hazard protections, and creating a driving force toward alternative and renewable resources.

Whoa that horse that is the EPA. They have gone far beyond common sense and practical, and its been going on for so long they don't know how to stop. (Environmental policies should be peer reviewed by NON governmental scientists to ensure appropriateness, effectiveness and validity)

Enforce border security and stop illegal immigration. Hold businesses that hire illegals accountable for the hiring of illegals through fines and other penalties. No more anchor babies.

To prevent the higher cost of employment being passed on to consumers through the price of goods, Cut Taxes! Move to a flat tax system, or a commerce only tax system. (On products SOLD not on products manufactured or the businesses manufacturing them) Such a tax system would collect taxes even from illegals, and those being paid "under the table." Every dollar spent on goods and services will return revenue.

No more bailouts. Pass a permanent law preventing the Federal Government from funding, bailing out, or otherwise keeping in business private enterprises and banks. That's how the system works, let it work. This will force banks and corporations to themselves be more fiscally responsible, and less apt to bow to unreasonable union demands.

Return U.S. Currency to the "Gold Standard", that is the U.S. Dollar being backed by something of real physical value. (Whether that be gold or other precious metals, or other products of value produced in the United States.) Protect our currency. No more writing checks on empty bank accounts. The people aren't able to do it, nor are States, so why should the Federal Government be allowed to?

Increase trade with other nations, and ensure fairness. No more special deals and incentives for them to trade with the U.S. unless the U.S. gets the same deals in return. Fair and equal marketing and trade practices or no deal.

Penalize American companies that send jobs overseas. Provide incentives for American companies to keep the jobs at home. The United States is capable of sustaining itself without dependence on foreign goods and services. We need to return to that standard.

Medical insurers must be free to compete in America. More options for care and more companies to choose from means competitiveness. That translates into better care at lower costs. It's how the system works once again.

The salaries of public educators should be directly proportionate to test scores. Underperforming teachers should be paid commensurately, or fired. Teachers AND Students should receive regular assessment test to ensure the Teachers know the subjects they are teaching and the students are learning what is being taught.

These are just a few of the things that Congress needs to look at immediately.


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