Thursday, November 04, 2010

Taxes; It’s Math Dummy!

I always hear and read the same tired argument and statements from liberals regarding tax cuts and taxing the rich, however none of them can actually explain HOW it would work or help.

Conversely, if the rich have less taxes to worry about, they are more apt to spend their money and invest in ventures such as business creation, (Read job creation) and on luxuries such as gardeners, housekeepers, contractors for home improvements etc. (Again read jobs)

In case you are having trouble understanding out there in Lib land, that doesn't mean that the rich solely create new businesses. The rich can do and afford to do it a number of ways, two of which are 1. Creating the businesses themselves or 2. Investing in the average American with a great idea and good business plan. When their money is threatened, they protect it and hold on to it more tightly by cutting back on extras and using various methods to shelter it. (Rich folks can afford to do this with tax attorneys etc.)

What you Libs don’t seem to understand is that most of the middle and lower income families pay very little if any taxes as is, being that if you have a family with children and a mortgage, you get most if not all the money you paid in taxes back in your refund check every year.

The rich get no such breaks. The problem is that money is taken throughout the year, which causes most middle and lower income families to live paycheck to paycheck, with most or all of that refund check immediately going toward bills or debts, rather than discretionary spending. When the rich spend less, and are taxed heavily they are less willing to invest in businesses that may fail due to the economic situation, which means fewer jobs. This spans all sectors.

There is less demand for goods, further reducing jobs, (Those job losses are the average American jobs) which in turn reduces demand further, since no one can afford anything other than paying the necessities. This again reduces jobs, while at the same time inflating prices, further depressing the economy. The point and problem with all of this is that the only people affected, are the average American workers. The rich remain rich, and continue to protect their money. (They have families too)

Just a look back at history and doing some simple math will show you that increased taxes, (any kind) depresses an economy, no matter when or where it's done. Combine that with big government and excessive spending and what you get is bankruptcy. Just because I have checks left in my checkbook, doesn't mean I have money to spend. You libs don't seem to understand that. I can be arrested and prosecuted for writing checks without having the money to cover the amount. This doesn't seem to apply to the government, and it's a fairly common sense principle.

Tax cuts in the 1920s increased revenues 61 percent by 1928, President Kennedy (D) cut taxes and increased revenues by 62 percent, President Reagan cut taxes and increased revenues 99.4 percent in the 80s. Those figures are the increases in personal revenues collected. In each of these cases of tax cuts, the wealthy top 10 percent saw their tax burden increased from 44.2 percent to 78.4 percent, 11.6 percent to 15.1 percent and 48.0 percent to 57.2 percent respectively. The top 1 percent of the wealthy saw their burden increase from 17.6 percent in 1981 to 27.5 percent in 1988.

I haven't even listed the increases in GDP and personal wealth, manufacturing and general increases across the economy in its entirety. Tax revenues increase and the rich pay MORE taxes when tax rates are cut, with the middle and lower income Americans sharing far less of the burden.

By reducing taxes the rich do indeed get richer, putting them into the next higher tax bracket, increasing their tax burden. These  are facts, not rhetoric. You Libs need to wake up and take a basic budgeting class.


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