Monday, November 22, 2004


The Surgeon General has determined that blogging is not suitable for lazy people, or people experience emotional turmoil and other life events. It is also not conducive with military service, as I barely have a spare moment to breathe let alone write my blog.

It not really like anyone is reading the damn thing anyway right? Well, except for the guy from Kenya who is an expert on US Policy and the voting process etc etc. A guy who's country is known for having one of the most corrupt governments there is, and whose government controls the press and other forms of media. That's freedom for you!

But don't believe me, its a fact, look it up for yourselves.

I think we should all become left wingers and anarchists, and beat the hell out of each other at ball games. Then we wouldn't have time to worry if were being threatened by other countries, terrorists, or their supporters or not. We'd be to busy with each other to care.


Blogger HoneyBee said...

One big huge boxing match? I could go for beating the hell out of a few people.

6:57 PM  

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